Words from the Sponsors

I am really glad to
be participating with The New Writers in the World Healing World Peace 2012
Poetry Contest. We have reached an important and unique time in humanity's
history, a time in which globally changes are occurring and human beings are
seeking for healing of their emotional and mind sets into new ones fulfilled
with light and love.
Arts, especially poetry, have the capacity to bring forward those emotions and
feelings and thoughts that people nurture inside, and so by the expression of
those intentions and feelings, we start a poetic chain of healing that will
lead us to a better and brighter future.
Poets feel deeply, intensively and immensely, they are artists of the written
word and with their passion they can heal many wounds, bring awareness to many
places, and encourage others to live love, to express love, to be love more and
I am glad I am a part of this contest and I am looking forward to the wonderful
outcomes this contest will
Sarah Stuart
The New Writers

We, at Keith Alan Hamilton Enterprises consider it an honor and a privilege to join hands in supporting our Brothers and Sisters of all communities. The vision is clear, one common good, inclusive of all, the human race.
There is a decency that has been overlooked,
misguided and long abused. Let us tear the walls down, no divisions, no borders
and love one another without hesitation, preconceived ideas and judgments. We
all breathe, we all bleed. We are one.
Keith Alan Hamilton & Staff

What can I possibly say that would convey what is in my heart? To be a part of this vision, this poetry contest is an honor and a blessing.
World Peace, World Healing has been my personal vision, one of sharing with the world, my love, peace and healing as far back as I can remember. To love without walls, as we come together as one...is beautiful. The World's Healing and Peace must begin with us now. With this effort we are able to pass the torch to a broken spirit along with the hope of a brighter today. Let us pass the Light from One to another and march Globally to becoming Whole. Share the love.
Join us at Inner Child as we strive to bettering our world today. We are not only saving ourselves but our children. Make a choice for one race, the human race. Enter the contest or become a sponsor to share the love and peace for all. The contest awards grow, day by day. Let us, make it happen, spread the word. We want all Lovers of Peace and Unity to join in. There is no need to be a Poet, be the Poetry and Sponsor the Vision.
There is no competition in love, we are one.
I am truly humbled and honored
Thank you all
Love & Peace,
Janet Perkins-Caldwell
Inner Child Enterprises
Empowering ... Embracing ... Enlightening