People are Talking
peace * Love * healing
Dear Family,
As an Ambassador for the Welfare of Humanity in the arena of Global Peace and Healing we are writing to you personally seeking your assistance. Inner Child is once again firing up the engines for another World Healing World Peace Poetry effort. Our first effort back in 2011 – 2012 met with great success due to the cry of the people. The contributions from all over the World produced a wonderful two volume offering focused towards the Good of Humanity through Peace and Healing. With this effort, World Healing, World Peace 2014, our vision is to raise the stakes.
Our goal is have a more effective outreach and effective touch on the World Consciousness, and to accomplish this end, WE NEED YOUR HELP! With this offering we are proposing to not only Publish the book, World Healing, World Peace Poetry 2014, but to strategically distribute the book ,thereby delivering in to the hands of the World’s Policy makers and make them aware of our thoughts and feeling about World Healing and Peace. Our mission is to distribute 2 Copies of the offering into the hands of every member Country representative of the United Nations (193 – 200) and one copy into the hands of every voting member of Congress (535). We feel this is essential.
To facilitate this undertaking we have established a Dedicated Web Site : and a “Go Fund Me” Donation Point to pay for the Production, Printing and Distribution., but this is not why i am writing you. To make this work and achieve the success we seek and more we need to get the project into the hands and consciousness’ of the People and the Poets. We need Web Site affiliations, Press Releases and Conversation to create a ”Viral Buzz’ to make people aware and to pay attention. We write to you for this end. We need people to tell people, to tell people, to tell people until it will not and can not go away !
Finally, to this objective, we would be highly honored if you would further consider writing and sharing your thoughts about the subject matter and need for World Healing and World Peace. We wish to leave an imprint of this higher consciousness in the annals of History that will not only affect us in our “Now” but for the generations to come. If you find this to be of spirit to and for you and that which you care for about life, we would be humbly grateful. Your presence does matter.
We consider you to be a vital “Circle of Influence” . . . if you are aware or know of any other Persons or Organizations who can assist us in making an impact for the good of us all, we would appreciate the referral.
Thank You
William S. Peters, Sr.
Inner Child Enterprises, ltd.
Terry Callier - What Colour Is Love (Live) - YouTube.MP3
Disarmament for World Peace
Through history, mankind has pursued peace one way or another. It is too optimistic to imagine that world peace may finally be within our grasp? I do not believe that there has been an increase in the amount of people's hatred, only in their ability to manifest it in vastly destructive weapons. On the other hand, bearing witness to the tragic evidence of the mass slaughter caused by such weapons in our country has given us the opportunity to control war. To do so, it is clear we must disarm.
Disarmament can occur only within the context of new political and economic relationships. Before we consider this issue in detail, it is worth imagining the kind of peace process from which we would benefit most. This is fairly self - evident. First we should work on eliminating nuclear weapons, next, biological and chemical ones, then offensive arms, and finally, defensive ones. At the same time, to safeguard the peace, we should start developing in one or more global regions an international police force made up of equal number of members from each nation under a collective command. Eventually this force would cover the whole world.
Because the dual process of disarmament and development of a joint force would be both multilateral and democratic, the right of majority to criticize or even intervene in the event of one nation violating the basic rules would be ensured. Moreover, with all large armies eliminated and all conflict such as border disputes subject to the control of the joint international force, large and small nations would be truly equal. Such reforms would result in a stable international environment.
Of course, the immense financial dividend reaped from the cessation of arms production would also provide a fantastic windfall for global development. Today, the nations of the world spend trillions of dollars annually on upkeep of the military. Can you imagine how many hospital beds, schools and homes this money could fund? In addition, as I mentioned above, the awesome proportion of scarce resources squandered on military development not only prevents the elimination of poverty, illiteracy and disease, but also requires the sacrifice of precious human intelligence. Our scientists are extremely bright. Why should their brilliance be wasted on such dreadful endeavors when it could be used for positive global development?
The great deserts of the world such as the Sahara and Gobi could be cultivated to increase food production and ease over-crowding. Many countries now face years of severe drought. New, less expensive methods of desalinization could be developed to render seawater suitable for human consumption and other uses. There are many pressing issues in the fields of energy and health to which our scientist could more usefully address themselves. Since the world economy would grow more rapidly as a result of their efforts, they could even be paid more!
Our planet is blessed with vast natural treasures. If we use them properly, beginning with elimination of militarism and war, truly, every human being will be able to live a wealthy, well-cared-for life.
Naturally, global peace cannot occur all at once. Since conditions around the world are varied, its spread will have to be incremental. But there is no reason why it cannot begin in one region and then spread gradually from one continent to another.
continued . . . .
continued . . .
I would like to propose that regional communities like the European Community be established as an integral part of the more peaceful world we are trying to create. Looking at the post Cold War environment objectively, such communities are plainly the most natural and desirable components of a new world order. As we can see, the almost gravitational pull of our growing interdependence necessitates new, more cooperative structures. The European Community is pioneering the way in this endeavor, negotiating the delicate balance between economic, military and political collectively on the one hand and the sovereign rights of member states on the other. I am greatly inspired by this work. I also believe that the new Commonwealth of Independent Sates is grappling with similar issues and that the seeds of such a community are already present in the minds of many of its constituent republics. In this context, I would briefly like to talk about the future of my own country, Tibet, and China.
Like the former Soviet Union, Communist China is a multinational state, artificially constructed under the impetus of an expansionist ideology and up to now administered by force in colonial fashion. A peaceful, prosperous and above all politically stable future for china lies in its successfully fulfilling not only its own people's wishes for a more open, democratic system, but also of its eighty million so-called "national minorities", who want to regain their freedom. For real happiness to return to the heart of Asia - home to one-fifth of the human race - a pluralistic, democratic, mutually cooperative community of sovereign states must replace what is currently called the People's Republic of China.
Of course, such a community need not be limited to those presently under Chinese Communist Domination, such as Tibetans, Mongols, and Uighurs. The people of Hong Kong, those seeking an independent Taiwan, and even those suffering under other communist governments in North Korea, Vietnam, Laos and Cambodia might also be interested in building an Asian Community. However, it is especially urgent that those ruled by the Chinese Communist consider doing so. Properly pursued, it could help save China from violent dissolution; regionalism and a return to the chaotic turmoil that has so afflicted this great nation throughout the twentieth century. Currently china's political life is so polarized that there is every reason to fear an early recurrence of bloodshed and tragedy. Each of us- every member of the world community - has a moral responsibility to help avert the immense suffering that civil strife would bring to China's vast population.
I believe that the very process of dialogue, modernization and compromise involved in building a community of Asian states would itself give real hope of peaceful evolution to a new order in China. From the very start, the member states of such a community might agree to decide its defense and international relations policies together. There would be many opportunities for cooperation. The critical point is that we find a peaceful, nonviolent way for the forces of freedom, democracy and moderation to emerge successfully from the current atmosphere of unjust repression.
Siddartha is a Mother, Poet, Artist and Art Historian. Her work has appeared both nationally and internationally. Her first book of poetry was released by Writing Knights Press in August of 2012 entitled ‘In the Beginning and the End’. She was featured on PBS in 2001 as the Artist-in-Residence at Virginia State University.
I dedicate all of my work and inspiration to my son, Pierce Emery Haver, whom I adore.
This is a collection of poems that delves into Nature, Science, Art, Literature and the Spiritual.
Siddartha is not a pseuodonym for the author but her birth name after her maternal grandmother. Her great-grandfather studied theology and named his eldest daughter after the Buddha and hence Siddartha Beth Pierce received her name from her grandmother.
It is the author’s hope that all may find some positive aspect in her writings and work that may affect them and that they may then take this on to others.
It is my greatest wish that all in the world would drop their swords and guns and write for a day or more. The pen is mightier they say and so I do hope that we will put away our woes and hatred, racism and violence for a brighter tomorrow not only for ourselves but for the future generations of our lovely children and those to come after.
I am so thankful to be included in the World Peace, World Healing Anthology. Having been involved in politics at a young age I do believe it is necessary to have our voices heard at the highest level. Universally and with those that hold sway in political offices.
Unconditional Love and a Universal Understanding by the masses of people on Earth is what is needed to heed this call for Peace. Education is key to this happening at any level of understanding. Primarily, I have taught at the University level at two separate HBCUs in the Richmond, Virginia area and in so doing it is my hope that through the Ripple Effect I was able to positively affect the lives and thinking of my students, their friends and family and subsequent children. A word is a powerful tool - it must be used kindly and with respect to all humankind.
We Wept the Sound
We wept the sound
of ages past
wars waged
Love unbound.
We wept the sound
as friends, family
pass away.
We wept the sound
of futures
to be
just begging
to be freed.
We wept the sound.
’The right to bear arms means to roll up our sleeves.’ - Siddartha Beth Pierce (copyright 2001)... Now let’s get some work done! <3 <3 <3
Ms. Pierce is a nationally and internationally published poet and artist as well as a Mother. Some of her works have appeared in The Indian Diary, After-Nyne, Issuu, The Artist in You, The Dead Mule School of Southern Literature, The Muses Review, Budzu’s Hammer, and Blue Fifth Review. Much of her work can be found at
King Judah
In order to have World Peace, Divine Order must be restored. The Spiritual Truth of forgiveness has been done away with. Now the Blind are leading the Blind into a ditch of despair. The toothless have become one with a bite of hatred. Freedom comes with a price and at times blood shed, which should not be.
Can the universal act of bonding as human beings and treating each other with respect cause a real divide or subtract from the words: Love thy neighbor as thyself ? No, however seeds of discord have been sown in bitter soil and watered by the hands of mischief. I declare unto you that the masses are looking for a Savior to come and restore what was, and what should be; but the Order is wrong because the Creator is not being put in a position to reign . . . within.
Human decency and morality of the common law of right living is sitting behind a curtain that is covering missteps and misdeeds. I challenge every human as a life force, to stand up for what is right. Raise the standard to a new level of hope. Wave the righteous flag of honor and you will see the truth of a better tomorrow flow into the streets of drugs trafficking, homelessness and prisons. We will see the educational system come alive and have more colleges in our state in lieu of the Department of Corrections.
In closing, let us come together in spite of color and differences. It does not take millions to change the minds of others or their lives. It can start with a few. Let us start with ourselves and see the trickle down of love touch Humanity. Let's get back to Divine Order.
Eric D. Hawkins
Dr. Peter C. Rogers, D.D., Ph.D., is a Light-Worker, a Life Coach, Motivational Speaker, Minister of Metaphysics and Spiritual Counselor.
He is the author of Ultimate Truth : Book I, Universal Truth: Thinking Outside the Box : Book II and the up and coming One Hundred Disciplines to Higher Consciousness : A Conclusive Synopsis on Spiritual Principles.
Dr. Rogers is a skilled lecturer and teacher of the Master Key System. He teaches an extensive class and has appeared on several shows to present this ancient system of manifestation formulated by Charles F. Haanel over 100 years ago. In 2010, Dr. Rogers founded a spiritual counseling practice called TRUTH Dynamics to help assist people in their quest for self realization.
Currently, he serves as the president of a Non-Profit organization called P.E.L.S.A which he and his wife formed in 2006 to assist people in overcoming addiction.
Dr. Rogers has been a student of Spirituality and Metaphysics for the past 20 years and in 2009, he received a Doctorate of Divinity in Spiritual Counseling as well as a Doctorate of Philosophy in Metaphysics from The University of Metaphysical Sciences. He currently resides in Long Beach, California where he continues to devote his time and energy writing, lecturing and mentoring others on their spiritual journey towards higher consciousness.
the thoughts of
Dr. Peter C. Rogers
Clearly, we are living in a time when we are starting to realize that we must work out our own salvation and that no one can do this for us. The road to peace leads to a journey that takes place on the inside which ultimately becomes our physical reality. We are living during a time where God is to be worshipped in spirit. These spiritual times are demanding much more of us in the way of personal introspection. If we are to achieve world peace or peace of any kind, we must first learn to live form our hearts. By living from the heart we will need to be guided by our own personal sense of spirituality and not some old worn out traditions. The spirituality I speak of cannot be taught. To try and teach someone what it is to be spiritual denies the very nature of spirituality because it is unique to each individual. There are many roads to enlightenment and if the road you’re on has already been taken, chances are you’re on the wrong path.
Each person must find for themselves what it is they have come here for not only in this lifetime but as a conscious being caught up on the wheel of reincarnation and repeated lifecycles. No matter how many times you deny the truth, it’s still the truth. Truth is everlasting. There is great freedom in spirituality. Once we are able to shun the age old lies that have been imposed upon us by those living in fear seeking only to control the masses, we will then be able to step out of the darkness and into the marvelous light. This light is the pure essence of God in its entire splendor, God in the truest sense and not diluted by religion or dogma. Once we make the shift from the ideas that have been deeply ingrained in our consciousness by outdated traditions and generations of misinformation, we will have gained liberty from a spiritual tyranny that has long since been imposed upon Humanity. We will begin to seek out the truth for ourselves no longer falling for whatever someone offers us. We will question the status quo and become agitated by things being the way they are. Once this shift occurs, our realities will change and we will finally see the Matrix which is our life for all that it is, nothing more than a mere delusion. Our eyes will be opened and truth will reign supreme because the light of truth will be shed upon falsehood and the dark will no longer be able to exist in the light.
continued . . . .
other Books
Dr. Peter C. Rogers
continued . . . .
We must each come into our own awareness of peace with each gradual nudge of our spirit. Every occurrence, every lesson and every awakening will slowly beckon us into this full reality. My journey may not be the same as yours but I know for certain that there are many paths and only one summit, I’ll meet you there.
Gaia is the planetary consciousness of every living creature that abides on it. It is a Universal phenomenon of creation that took place over billions of years ago. There will never be another Earth and science has yet to find a similar planet that can sustain life. Unfortunately, as a result of countless contributing factors, our planet is dying. We are depleting her in rapid proportions and sooner or later, she will die. When and how soon remains to be seen nevertheless at the rate we’re headed, it will most certainly be a premature death. In order to prevent this untimely death, we must all learn to adhere to a higher sense of being. As such we will each need to adhere to a higher sense of being that coincides with elementary and universal truths that support all life.
coming soon . . .
about this upcoming Book and others
Dr. Peter C. Rogers
Valentine McKay-Riddell was born a “Navy brat” in Orlando, Florida and grew up in Canada and Texas. A graduate of the San Francisco Art Institute, Valentine is a member of the Adjunct Faculty at the Institute of Transpersonal Psychology in Palo Alto, CA, where she earned a Masters in Counseling Psychology and a Ph.D. in Transpersonal Psychology. She has a private practice in holistic counseling and shamanic healing in Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Descended from Scottish, Irish, French, and Native American ancestors, Valentine developed a combination of shamanism and art making (Healing Art©) to heal herself from cancer, and later founded a nonprofit organization, Orenda Healing International (OHI), devoted to promoting individual and community health and wellbeing. OHI umbrellas many of her research projects, which currently include filmmaking as a catalyst for intergenerational healing among Native American youth and elders; the possibility of genetic inheritance as the inspiration for shamanic practice; and shamanism as a root philosophy for many of our modern professions, including medicine, religion, and art. She has taught art making to young people and adults and Healing Art© to AIDS and cancer patients; incarcerated, homeless, and challenged youth; developmentally disabled adults; and women in transition for over twenty years. She is a certified Reiki Master in the Usui Lineage. She has lived in Mexico, Washington DC, Pennsylvania, California, Nebraska, Oregon, and New Mexico, and has traveled in England, Ireland, the Virgin Islands, and the British West Indies.
She and her husband, Lewis Riddell, share an interest in nature photography, art, theatre, gourmet cooking, and cats. Valentine has two adult daughters and five grandchildren, and believes that her experiences in raising her own family inspired her interest in working with adolescents and catalyzed the writing of her books for young girls.
About Stone Soup
Valentine McKay-Riddell, PhD
© 2013
October, 1960. Every boy I knew dreaded that fateful notice: “Report to your local recruiting station …” But none of them talked about it—and neither did the girls. We had football season, graduation and the senior prom on our minds— not someone else’s war in a remote place called Vietnam. Even I, a mere member of our high school marching squad, was looking forward to graduating and getting on with my life…until I too received a draft notice. At first I was dumbfounded. How could they possibly draft women? And then I realized it was because of my name. (“Valentine” is a man’s name. It originally belonged to my great grandfather and Heaven knows why they gave it to me—the man was long gone by the time I arrived.) In any case, I hastily sent back the notice with a letter explaining the mistake, assuring them of my gender, and never heard another word about it.
I forgot Vietnam until some years later my young husband, a first-time dad in law school at George Washington University, went through the same scary process. After many nights in front of the television looking at the numbers as they churned across the screen, Steve was relieved to learn that students and fathers were not expected to serve. By then I was pregnant with our second daughter and war was the last thing on my mind.
Eventually that war ended, more or less, and we all moved on. I began to focus exclusively on my art and Steve took a job with the Army Corps of Engineers in San Francisco. I decided that San Francisco, with its easygoing lifestyle, left-leaning politics, and hippie culture, was my personal Heaven on Earth, and after a careful assessment of our potential future together we realized we were headed in different directions. We divorced and within a couple of years remarried—Steve to a woman I still call a dear friend, and I to a young artist recently returned from Vietnam.
Lewis never talked about Vietnam. Several years passed before I heard anything about his experiences there, and these tales were humorously told and tinged with shades of glory. He had been a Navy Air navigator and member of a crew that piloted C-130s in and out of the war zone. Aside from that part of his past we had a great deal in common—sharing views about art, life, love, and spirituality. It wasn’t until we moved to Elk, near Mendocino on the Northern California coast, that the real damage began to show. I was fighting cancer and Lew was fighting inner demons he couldn’t or wouldn’t describe. After a few years I won my battle, but his continued. Eventually he was diagnosed with severe PTSD. Sometimes, with his strong faith in Spirit, he’d win a battle. Sometimes the demons would win. But winning a battle or two doesn’t guarantee winning the war, and right now, many years later, that war is still going on—in my husband and in the world.
continued . . . .
continued . . . .
As a Navy brat who has grown up in its shadow, I am very much opposed to war—anywhere or for any purpose. Nobody wins a war. But my life with this brave man, this gifted artist who despite his challenges continues to paint and to trust Spirit’s guidance in healing, has inspired my wish to help our returning veterans in any way I can. With a Master’s degree in counseling psychology and a PhD in transpersonal psychology I am definitely qualified but not allowed to serve as a counselor in programs sponsored by the Veteran’s Administration. (According to Lew it wouldn’t do much good, since most VA programs are strangled in red tape anyway, and I have little patience with bureaucracy.)
So the two of us put our heads together and came up with the Stone Soup Project for Returning Veterans. Stone Soup Santa Fe would provide land for gardening, temporary housing, food, job training, counseling and other services, and supportive community for returning servicemen and women. Based on the story of Stone Soup, Stone Soup Project\STONE SOUP.doc, which tells how a couple of soldiers returning from war convince an entire village to join in a mutual celebration of kindness and sharing, Stone Soup Santa Fe would depend upon the generosity of local citizens, churches, and small nonprofits like our own Orenda Healing International, , to provide our vets with a way to reconnect with friends and family and re-establish themselves in this community at their own pace. In return, the veterans could help create a very good small restaurant, where folks who can afford to pay for dinner would do so, while those who can’t could contribute a little work in the kitchen or the community garden we hope to build, a story they’d like to share, or whatever else they might have to offer.
As a published author and writer of fiction and fantasy, I plan to donate a good percentage of all my book sales to the Stone Soup Project—but in order to accomplish this I need to get The River Goddess & Other Stories, Book I of The Alyssa Chronicles, republished. To that end I’ve mounted a fundraising campaign on Indiegogo, The River Goddess Project, . Here’s a brief synopsis of Book I and Book II:
Alyssa, the heroine of Book I, The River Goddess & Other Stories, is a young girl who comes into her power with the aid of a mysterious River Goddess, a number of helpful animals and other beings, and a very old friend. Alyssa faces many dangers and overcomes numerous challenges along the way. As she learns how to tap into the magic of everyday life, she gradually develops a deep respect for her non-human guides and for herself. In Starfriends, Book II, her adventures lead her further into the unknown-- and deeper into the discovery of her own wisdom and strength. this is the "Hero's Journey" from a feminine point of view-- a journey upon which we are all embarked, male and female alike, as we rediscover our true role: that of fellow travelers with all the beings who share space on the small blue planet we call Earth.
Donors to The River Goddess Project may give a little or a lot, using credit cards or PayPal—and they’ll receive some very nice perks in return. But even more important, they’ll know they’re contributing to a cause very dear to the hearts of all of us. Whatever we may believe about war, many of us are the parents, siblings, or partners of people who have given years of their lives in service to this country. We cannot in good conscience leave them out in the cold. The very least we can do is welcome our returning veterans home—into our communities, into our arms, and into our hearts.
~ Keith Alan Hamilton ~ is an independent online publisher, editor, poet/writer & Smartphone photographer.
Keith has 3 Blogs:
Keith Alan,
The Hamilton Gallery ~
Keith’s first eBook in the series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die! is available online to read free of charge.
It will be published in print by Inner Child Press soon.
This vision of world healing and peace, if such a hope is going to come to fruition, it will take much struggle through effort within the human thinking process. Humanity collectively within the process of reflective consciousness will firstly have to change the way we perceive ourselves. We the people of the planet earth will have to accept that our kind, our species is nothing more than simply human. We must accept ourselves, not necessarily forgive and forget the lessons taught during the human experience; however, humanity should no longer bear the weight of quilt or feel remorse for living our lives the best we can regardless of the mistakes we’ve made as individuals or as a whole. We must come to understand that no one gave us an all-encompassing guidebook on how to live and survive, how to bring about a healthy, joyful, prosperous and peaceful world. We must realize it is a waste of time and energy to cast blame or point a finger in an attempt to somehow rectify past transgressions against each other and other living creatures. If such a vision of world healing and then peace is to transpire, We the people will have to become perceptually more positive towards our kind. We’ll have to become more pro-human minded. If we want the intolerant to become more tolerant, we must lead the way by patiently demonstrating the behavior of tolerance towards them as they undergo the process of transformation.
If this transformation is going to happen we must take the lead by proactively exhibiting a pro-human mindset, not only through words, but through actions as well. Only then will our united vision for world healing to bring about peace make substantial headway along its transitional journey. To make progressive headway, We the people need to see the wisdom and then initiate the forming of a cooperative partnership with our servant(s) the government(s). Such a partnership will provide the necessary foundation and means to come up with flexible and transitional concepts that lead to valuable practices, implemented with the assistance of innovative technologies for the purpose of improving the overall wellbeing of humanity. In the first eBook of the online series Nature ~ IQ: Let’s Survive, Not Die! (soon to be published in print by Inner Child Press), I suggested for these concepts and practices to be of benefit to humanity, they need to be centered ideologically around 5 freely accessible and affordable services: energy, information/education, transportation, health care and housing. Freely accessible and affordable services such as these will uplift the spirit of humanity making us all overtime more positive and productive contributors and less of a burden on society. Not only blessing us with the ability to help ourselves, but giving us the time and resources to help others. In turn as we help others, they will help others help themselves, on and on through a reciprocal process of healing. Where this process of healing keeps building in momentum and transitioning until the transformation of We the people becomes healthy, joyful and prosperous. Ultimately creating an environment of wellbeing that’s void of the trials and tribulations which held the world captive to anger, hatred, strive, illness and pain. At such a time, the wind then will howl no more due to the storm; ‘cause the wind will be saturated with the sweet music of peace.
Elise Fee is a Life Expansion Coach, Speaker, and Author of “The Spiritual Human – a poetic guide to Life on Earth,” who helps to transform, empower and impassion the lives of people who know there is more to life, but don’t know how to get there.
She assists people who feel stuck, frustrated or discontent and are willing to consider new ways of perceiving and interpreting life. Elise teaches you how to transform your worries and fears so you can live from your personal power and confidence, know and trust yourself, and enjoy self-love, happiness and purpose in your life.
She works with executives, entrepreneurs and others who have a high standard of excellence and are searching for grander possibilities in their lives. Whether you are moving on after a major life change, overcoming addiction, trauma or depression, feeling overwhelmed by stress or anxiety, wanting to master your attitudes and perceptions about finances, work, family or relationships, or want to discover your calling/passion in life, Elise can adeptly guide you.
As a special gift, Elise is giving away her Life Expansion Kit™ so you too can experience more fulfillment, passion and happiness in life:
We will witness peace when we as global citizens shift our focus -- when we make it a priority to share rather than shoot, to aide rather than arm, to feed rather than force, and to care rather than conquer.
As people of the world, it is imperative for us to pay attention to what’s happening, to speak up when we are inspired, and to stop sitting back and waiting for others to ‘do something.’
But how do we get there? Let’s break it down…
What’s one simple thing you can do right now to effect world peace? Be peaceful in all your interactions – choose to be calm, patient, kind, and empathetic in every situation and with every person you come across today (including yourself). Do it again tomorrow. And the next day.
As your inner world becomes calm and tranquil, you will begin to see a ripple effect that touches everyone you come in contact with. Pretty soon, others will want to “be like you” and will ask you how they too can be relaxed, easy-going, and tolerant.
Once you are living peacefully, you can begin to build others up, buoy their confidence, and encourage their dreams. You’ll share your gifts freely and delight in watching others find peace in their lives.
As you start noticing and caring about others and how they’re experiencing life, you will naturally be concerned about what’s happening in your community, city, state, country, and world. Coming from a peaceful place, you will begin to get involved, share your ideas and solutions, donate, volunteer, and help to make the world a better place for everyone.
As you can imagine, if every individual follows these steps, in no time at all we’ll experience world peace!
Be careful to not let the trumped-up issues become insurmountable obstacles in your mind. Simply take these steps of creating inner peace, teaching others how to do the same, and reaching out to the wider world to reset our global priorities. And just like dominoes, everything will rapidly fall into place.
World Peace is achievable – and it begins with you,
right now.
Elise Fee
is the Author of
The Spiritual Human
a poetic guide to Life on Earth
You can order your copy TODAY
simply by clicking on the
Book Cover
When each individual being understands how beautiful they are, we will have world peace. When each individual being understands how important their existence is to not just themselves but to the whole Planet, we will have world peace. When each individual feels how blessed they are for their unique heart beat, we will have world peace. When each individual being allows every other individual being to be who they feel they need to be without looking down on them, we will have world peace. When each individual being places their boat in the river of love, lets go of the oars, and flows down stream we will have world peace. When each individual being feels, understands, radiates, and realizes that they are pure positive energy, we have world peace. When each individual being knows that each individual being deserves world peace to the point where they create it for themselves, we will have world peace.
latest book of 6
Child Be Wild
can be found at
Inner Child Press
Click Here
or on the
Book Cover
Justin Blackburn is the Poet for the Awakening. He is also a Novelist, Comedian, Inspirational speaker, and Intuitive Inner Healer.
His first book, novel Gifted Disabilities, written with Kenny Norsworthy in 2004, created such a controversial stir with Bush administration, Blackburn got a visit to his apartment from the United States Secret Service. Gifted Disabilities traveled widely the underground world which led to Fat Possum Record’s band, Co.’s lead singer Brian Hannon to publish Blackburn and Norsworthy’s second book It’s Hard To Get There When You Are Already There.
Due to this masterful work Blackburn was named Beat Magazine’s 2007 poet of the year. Two years later Blackburn had two books of poetry published, the hilarious fear transforming Farting Fire by Virgogray Press as well as the emotionally cleansing Female Human Whispers Of Strong Masculine Gentleness by Shadow Archer Press. That year Blackburn became the highest seller for both presses. In 2011 Blackburn’s poem Before I Opened Myself To Love won the Dripping Silence Poetry Contest.
In 2012 Virgogray Press published another collection of Blackburn’s poems You Are Not A Normal Human Being. Blackburn has had hundreds of poems published in magazines, literary journals, anthologies, zines, walls, bodies, etc. including Fissure Magazine, Left Behind Literary Journal, Speed Poets, Open Mind’s Quarterly, Angel Voices, & A & U’s America AIDS Magazine as well as many others.
Off the page Blackburn is a phenomenal, one of a kind, spoken word performer. He uniquely interprets his pieces as different vivid, colorful characters while expressing a joyous enthusiasm celebrating the essence of being. Blackburn, will not only blow your mind, he will also open and expand your heart. Justin has performed and featured all over in numerous venues, festivals, colleges, high schools, house shows etc. Some of the places include the River Center for the Performing arts for the Georgia State Poetry Society, Poetry and Pancakes, Brick City Verse, Witsend, TRAM Art Festival, Black On Black Rhyme, Leaf Festival, Furman University, CE Murry High School etc.
In 2010 Blackburn won the Club 100 poetry slam and was awarded a spot on the New Danger Slam Team where he performed at the Southern Friend Poetry Slam.
Justin knows accolades do not make his existence less of a cage and though he deeply appreciates everything he has experienced, he prefers to show his depth and inspiration through being unconditionally loving to himself and everyone else! Justin Blackburn loves you.
Fahredin Shehu is a highly Noted and Acclaimed World Renowned Poet, Author, Teacher and so much more. He graduated from Prishtina University with a Degree in Oriental Studies. In his continuing Education he received an M.A. in Literature. and a PhD in Sacral Esthetics.
Fahredin hails from Rahovec, South East of Kosova and has been embraced affectionately for his gifted insightful poetic expressions by the Global Poetry Community. The depth and knowledge of many spiritual aspects that affect Humanity subtly shines through in his work. Pleroma’s Dew is such a graceful work that serves to add to the accolades of this much celebrated Poet / Author / Philosopher.
Fahredin says . . .
At the very end we all must understand that everything that does not possess Love ends in vain. And for me God is Love and the God's Children we bear in our bio machinery called Body, is our Soul, a particle from the Eternal so the dew I offer to people is unique expression and reflection of my spiritual journey. Thus I decided to convey my message and make it in Understandable Language since we lack terrestrial vocabulary for the Celestial quest.
The question simply is . . . what are we going to leave behind ?